An Ultimate Guide: How to train your Dog with Games?

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Just like good nutrition and loving home, time to play together is important for your dog. Playtime is an important opportunity for him to exercise, enjoy the mental stimulation, and help you train your dog. Playtime is especially important when your dog has been alone for an extended period of time. Some dogs can’t stand being separated from their owner and this makes them unhappy. In this case, give your dog enough attention to compensate for your absence.

In this article, you’ll learn how you can train them!

Train your dog with Football

You will be surprised how happy your dog will be with the simplest games. Retrieving is one of the games that dogs love. They will enjoy retrieving with a tennis ball, Football toy, or soft stuffed toy (especially with educational interactive toy!) Your dog may like fetch with a Football, rolling this ball back with his nose, or maybe he likes to chase you!

Retrieving can also be done in and around the water, depending on your dog’s breed and whether he is comfortable in and around the water. When using a ball, pay attention to the size of the ball. But for water make sure the ball is small enough to be picked up by the mouth, but not so small that your dog could accidentally swallow the ball.

Limit the number of toys for your dog to a few favorites. Having a lot of toys can confuse a dog about what is and what is not his toy.

Train your dog with Stimulating games

You may want to play a game with your dog that stimulates his problem-solving skills. Then place a snack in a cardboard box or Pet Sniffer Training Blanket and let your dog find his way to the snack. First, use a point where your dog can easily reach the snack and use an increasing complexity as your dog becomes more successful. 

Pet Sniffer Training Blanket

Dogs also like to play hide and seek. Start easy. Hide a snack in another room but in an obvious place. Leave your dog in the room, compliment him when he finds the snack, and reward him. 

You can also play along if you don’t mind acting crazy. Get on your hands and knees as close to your dog as possible. Bend your elbows, lower your head and do your best barking imitation! Your dog will tilt his head and look at you in surprise. Bark again and who knows, he might bark back. Run a short distance and then return to your dog, bend over and bark at him again. Your dog will follow suit and it is sure to turn into a fun, playful activity together.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to be your dog’s only playmate. A social dog likes to meet and play with other dogs. This can include frolicking together, jumping around, running around in open plains, and exploring. 

Tips for Dog Care

  • When you leave your puppy or dog alone for a while, take him for a walk or play with him beforehand so that he can expend his energy.
  • Training can be in the form of a game. You can teach a dog to come when you call him. Dogs learn tricks easily because they see this as a game.
  • Never use personal or household items as toys. Dogs can’t tell the difference between that one old sneaker and the new pair of shoes you bought last week.
  • It is important to always consider your dog’s needs, including playtime. If you are unable to do this, ask a family member or friends if they can help you.

Don’t underestimate the impact of attention and playtime. Mental stimulation burns excess energy in your dog and helps calm him down. The result is a playful, happy dog.


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